Let's start with a simple question… what is joy?

Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

In her memoir, Elizabeth Gilbert a NY times best selling author retells her soul-searching journey through Italy, Indonesia and our favourite... India!

After moving to Canada with a young family in 2003, I had never felt so alone, isolated and slowly started falling into depression.  It was really hard having no family or friends close by with toddlers.  I really missed home, I missed my mum and my BF!

Before yoga, I don’t think I’d ever truly taken a complete breath.

A fully present inhale and a mindful exhale.

I recall the very first time I was instructed on the art of a complete breath. It was at a yoga studio just outside of Toronto ON.

You most likely have a friend or a close relative who has recently explored a yoga retreat and loved it, however, you’re still, somehow on the fence about the whole thing. Here are 5 reasons why you should take the dive! You won’t regret it, I promise, in fact, it might just change your life!

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About Live, Love, Laugh Retreats

In 2016 Bhupi and Rachel collided and formed Live Love Laugh Retreats.

They began with a simple vision of creating a space for both the novice and aficionado yogi to land, pause from routine and foster deeper connection with themselves and life.

Learn more about Live, Love, Laugh Retreats