Let's start with a simple question… what is joy?

Joy is defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

Many people confuse joy with happiness, pleasure or fleeting excitement. Although they are intimately related there is a key difference between happiness and joy. Taking the time to cultivate joy in your life is correlated to authentic wellness.

Happiness can be felt after having a massage, watching a funny movie, receiving a gift, buying a new outfit, or enjoying the company of someone who inspires you. These simple pleasures can elicit happiness and excitement however they come from an external source as they reside in the actions of another person.
In contrast, joy can be felt for no reason at all. It can be felt by simply existing, abiding or resting in the present moment. Joy when cultivated becomes an internal condition that doesn’t necessarily rely on external circumstances.

You can access it at any time.

The cool thing is, joy is a conscious decision that we have complete control over. It can even be accessed in the midst of challenging circumstances. Trust me, I’ve been there!
When we put in the effort to practice joy daily, we navigate towards our core values and end up living more authentically and help others to live this way as well.

Wow! Check out the benefits of choosing joy!

Happiness that stems from a joyful heart is not superficial and passing. It is a way of existence! True happiness offers significant benefits for both the body and brain! It triggers the release of endorphins, and alleviates stress, it has also been linked to a reduced risk in the severity of cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, hypertension, colds, and upper respiratory infections. Wow!

Many Things Hinder Joy!

Joy FBOften times we get caught up in the cycle of workaholism, to-do lists, personal improvement campaigns and caring for others.
When we lack joy in our lives, we tend to reach towards short-term superficial fixes such as poor food choices, shopping for things we don’t really need and engaging in unfulfilling relationships. In the short term, these behaviours inevitably weigh us down mentally, physically and emotionally. In the long term these behaviours leave us mal-nourished and undermine hour health in a significant way.

Choose Joy Daily

Here are 5 practical daily joy-hacks that can lead you to discovering greater personal empowerment and the resilient heart that is already within you.

It is not joy that makes us grateful, it is gratitude that gives us joy!

5 daily practices for JOY!

Here are 5 Daily practices that you can rotate through… find one or two that you love and insert them strategically into your day so they can become part of your routine. Eventually, choosing joy on the daily can become a positive ritual of self-care for a vibrant life!

  1. Take time to connect with the most important person in your life – YOU!

    In the mix of the day, it’s easy to forget to check in with the most important person in your life – YOU!

    Carving out time and space to connect with your intuition is the cornerstone for creating a healthy lifestyle and a positive mind-set. When you learn to follow your intuition’s cues, you will enhance your confidence and reclaim your self-trust. Journaling with a powerful affirmation is a great way to do this.
    Find a quiet ‘sacred’ spot that you feel is secure and can be alone. Take time to be in this spot so you can reconnect with yourself, turn your attention inward and listen to your inner voice and intuition without interruption

    Find a clean journal page to write on and pen this affirmation.

    I honor progress over perfection.

    Spend a few minutes writing down what this phrase means to you in the current moment. Maybe even ponder about what your relationship with perfection is, draw it. Does it involve money? Body Image? Relationship?

    When you feel self-doubt start to creep in, practice this affirmation:

    I honor progress over perfection when self-doubt creeps in.

  2. Gratitude Is A Practice

    Gratitude – At the end of the day write down 3 things that really blessed you. Shifting your focus away from distracting thoughts to one point of gratitude is powerful for the mind and heart.

  3. Move your body – Open Up – Do Yoga

    Movement is a powerful therapy.

    Getting your heart rate up is one of the best ways to release dopamine which is a neurochemical responsible for feeling good and happiness, from the inside out.

    In addition, body language tends to reflect inner dialogue. At times, it is hard to think ourselves out of this dialogue. Movement whether it is yoga, running, walking or an intense cross-Fit class can be like meditation. It gets you out of your head and into opening up the body! In return, getting in more oxygen, circulating your blood, upping dompaine and opening up the body creates a positive feedback loop to your heart and mind space.

    Find a movement practice that offers a deeper and meaningful connection. I recommend yoga!

  4. Understand Your Signature Strengths

    Self Doubt and Criticism nip away at our resilience and confidence. Martin Seligman, a positive psychologist, eductor and influencer states that in order to tap into authentic wellbeing, joy and happiness it is essential that you understand your highest strengths and talents. 

    When you shift your focus to what you are really good at, it charges your internal battery and boosts confidence! Confidence carries and pours over into those less desirable areas! Don’t sweat the small stuff, focus on your sweet spots!

  5. Your Tribe Effects Your Vibe!

    Take time to identify who is in your circle of influence. Think of the 3 people that when you hang out with them, they leave you feeling oh so amazing! They inspire you and cause you to see the world from a perspective of love instead of fear. Also, take time to recognize those people who drain you. Who suck your energy, like to gossip or complain. Spend less time with these people. Your tribe effects your vibe and your internal thermostat for joy!

    When we return to daily practices of joy, we are moved from a place of external existence and begin to truly live from the inside out. This kind of living allows us to buffer the stresses of life with more grace, grit and savvy. When we have more joy we tend to approach life from an empowered stance and show up in a way that inspires others to be their best selves too with greater emotional, mental and spiritual vitality!

    Sounds amazing right? It starts here, right now, right where you are!

    Take back your joy. It is your birthright.


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About Live, Love, Laugh Retreats

In 2016 Bhupi and Rachel collided and formed Live Love Laugh Retreats.

They began with a simple vision of creating a space for both the novice and aficionado yogi to land, pause from routine and foster deeper connection with themselves and life.

Learn more about Live, Love, Laugh Retreats